Mansfield Park

The Novel:
          *1814 edition vol. I; vol. II; vol. III   (all: complete)
*1816 (2nd) edition vol. I; vol. II; vol. III (all: complete)
*The Novels & Letters of JA (1906; Brock illustrated) vol. V; vol. VI

*Brock’s illustrations (
more Brock illustrations
*Audio at LibriVox

Principal Characters in Mansfield Park:

from Wikipedia

from Pemberley (genealogy); also their Janes-names list

 Mansfield Park ~ History & Criticism:

Byatt, A.S. and Ignes Sodre.  Imagaining Characters:  Six Conversations about Women Writers.  London:  Chatto & Windus, 1995.  [Ch. 1:  Jane Austen – Mansfield Park; other chpaters on Charlotte Bronte, George Eliot, Willa Cather, Iris Murdoch, and Toni Morrison.]

Mansfield Park links:

Where’s Where in Jane Austen’s Novels: a map of all the places in Mansfield Park courtesy of JASNA and JASA (and the intro page with explanation & links to all maps).

Mansfield Park blog, by Chris Dornan

Mansfield Park Commentaries, by Ellen Moody

A Calendar for MP, by Ellen Moody

Sarah Emsley’s An Invitation to Mansfield Park, a series of guest posts by writers of various sorts, all on passages in Mansfield Park, in celebration of its bicentennial in 2014

Mansfield Park: Thoughts on Jane Austen’s Novel, a blog by Miss Sneyd

“A Bibliography on Mansfield Park and the Issue of Slavery”: Bibliography – MP and Slavery – Barnum

2 thoughts on “Mansfield Park

  1. Picking out Royal Blenheim apricots at the farmers’ market today, I fell into conversation with someone doing the same. She said there was a passage in Mansfield Park about this apricot. Google books doesn’t show it. Anybody know?


    • Hello Nancy – I am away from my books, but I just searched at Republic of Pemberley and this comes up about the Moor Park apricot, no mention of Royal Blenheim – here is the passage: from chapter 6

      ……but for poor Mr. Norris’s sad state of health. He could hardly ever get out, poor man, to enjoy anything, and that disheartened me from doing several things that Sir Thomas and I used to talk of. If it had not been for that, we should have carried on the garden wall, and made the plantation to shut out the churchyard, just as Dr. Grant has done. We were always doing something as it was. It was only the spring twelvemonth before Mr. Norris’s death that we put in the apricot against the stable wall, which is now grown such a noble tree, and getting to such perfection, sir,” addressing herself then to Dr. Grant.

      “The tree thrives well, beyond a doubt, madam,” replied Dr. Grant. “The soil is good; and I never pass it without regretting that the fruit should be so little worth the trouble of gathering.”

      “Sir, it is a Moor Park, we bought it as a Moor Park, and it cost us—that is, it was a present from Sir Thomas, but I saw the bill—and I know it cost seven shillings, and was charged as a Moor Park.”

      “You were imposed on, ma’am,” replied Dr. Grant: “these potatoes have as much the flavour of a Moor Park apricot as the fruit from that tree. It is an insipid fruit at the best; but a good apricot is eatable, which none from my garden are.”

      “The truth is, ma’am,” said Mrs. Grant, pretending to whisper across the table to Mrs. Norris, “that Dr. Grant hardly knows what the natural taste of our apricot is: he is scarcely ever indulged with one, for it is so valuable a fruit; with a little assistance, and ours is such a remarkably large, fair sort, that what with early tarts and preserves, my cook contrives to get them all.”

      will search more – another book perhaps, but this likely what she was referring to…

      Thanks for visiting!


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