Follow Friday ~ Number One London

 “When a man is tired of London, he is tired of life; for there is in London all that life can afford.”
-from Boswell’s Life of Johnson


Obsessed with London? – you can get a daily fix from the comfort of your own computer screen by visiting the blog Number One London – at  –  poor substitute I know for the real thing, but the best one can do most days… and blog creators Kristine Hughes and Victoria Hinshaw do their very best to make it an enjoyable visit:

Welcome . . . You’ve arrived at Number One London, an address for those with an interest in England past and present and a passion for daily life during the Georgian, Regency and Victorian eras. Share with us your book finds, favorite films and websites, on dits regarding your research pursuits, travel adventures across the pond and historic treasures. If you spend an inordinate amount of time reading, researching and pondering past and present England, then you’ve found a place to share information and make the aquaintance of others who feel at home at Number One London. *

Number One, London was the home of the Duke of Wellington – and a perfect place to start your immersion in London’s past and present… todays’ post is about Benedict Cumberbatch, the latest Sherlock Holmes on Masterpeice Mystery; the site is filled with all manner of goodies, like the weather since 1500, and all you ever wanted to know about William and Kate, and as Ms. Hinshaw was at the JASNA AGM, you can follow her summary of the happenings… [she spoke with Kim Wilson on “About Those Abbeys: A Trip Through History, Literature and the Picturesque” which I unfortunately missed..]

Enjoy your cyberspace trek to London!

[* From the blog Number One London]

6 thoughts on “Follow Friday ~ Number One London

  1. Deb – Thanks so much for mentioning our blog! Vicky found it and sent it on to me – weve added a link to this site in our “Amusing Blogs” area. So glad you enjoy Number One London! Kristine


  2. Pingback: Great Jane Austen Inspired Blogs Keep Janeites Connected and a Grand Austenesque Book Giveaway! « Austenprose – A Jane Austen Blog

  3. Deb, when you chose that Johnsonian title for your post, did you have in mind the following conversation?:

    “Bath, compared with London, has little variety, and so everybody finds out every year.”


    “Oh, who can ever be tired of Bath?”


    Cheers, ARNIE


    • Yes, Arnie – very true! it all comes back to Jane somehow doesn’t it?! – though for myself, I am afraid I must concur with Johnson on this one – Bath is indeed delightful, but _nothing_ compares with London!
      Thanks for visiting,


  4. It does all come back to Jane, not by magic, but because (a) she was aware of all the most interesting things in her own world, and put references to them all over her novels and letters, and (b) she has been on the radar screen of many of the greatest writers and readers of the past 200 years.

    The combination means that there is very little that is worthwhile in English-language culture in the West that is not within one or two degrees of separation from Jane Austen!

    Cheers, ARNIE


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