Day 3 ~ All I Want for Christmas ~ Anything Jane Austen!

Day 3: Wednesday, 21 December 2011

For Your Wardrobe

Well, I bought this for myself a bit ago, thinking no one would ever find this to even know I wanted it – so here is the link to a very cool t-shirt company, Out of Print  – they make clothing and various accessories featuring the world’s greatest literature, and Pride & Prejudice, as one would expect, has a good number of items:


P&P greeting card

You can find all the P&P items here:

 And check out the other authors, such as Poe:

 or Bronte:

There are a myriad of Jane Austen items in all imaginable formats everywhere it seems – just visit the shops at Esty for a veritable feast ~ here is one example from prettygirlpostcards:


You can also find the Pride and Prejudice t-shirt in one of my favorite book catalogues – Bas Bleu [as we are all such bluestockings!] – there are other Jane Austen and Pride and Prejudice must-have items to add to your collection, including these earrings:

 Happy shopping! ~ what is your favorite Jane Austen accessory??

Copyright @2011 Jane Austen in Vermont