Happy Thanksgiving!

Wishing you all a very Tasty,
Friend-&-Family-filled Thanksgiving!



And a link to this, just for fun! [alas! it has nothingĀ to do with Jane Austen!] – this is from ages ago, but it still cracks me up…

c2023 Jane Austen in Vermont

Happy Thanksgiving!

Wishing you all a Happy and Turkey-Filled Thanksgiving!

c2022 Jane Austen in Vermont

Happy Thanksgiving! ~ from Jane Austen in Vermont!

Wishing you all a very Tasty, Friend-&-Family-filled Thanksgiving!



This is a repeat from last year, but worth a re-listen I think!Ā  Just for fun! [alas! it has nothing to do with Jane Austen!]

c2014 Jane Austen in Vermont

Happy Thanksgiving!

Wishing you all a very Tasty, Friend-&-Family-filled Thanksgiving!



And a link to this, just for fun! [alas! it has nothing to do with Jane Austen!]

c2013 Jane Austen in Vermont