We are “Excessively Diverted”! and very humbled…




Ok, this is tough…  the Jane Austen in Vermont blog has been honored with the Excessively Diverting Blog Award by TWO other blogs:  Catherine Delors at her Versailles and More blog and Jane Odiwe at her Jane Austen Sequels blog.  So does this mean we need to come up with FOURTEEN blogs to honor in kind??  I am afraid that SEVEN will be a task, largely because all my favorite blogs have already been chosen by all my favorite blogs! 

The Excessively Diverting Award, created by Ms. Place and Laurel Ann at Jane Austen Today,  is described thusly:

The aim of the Excessively Diverting Blog Award is to acknowledge writing excellence in the spirit of Jane Austen’s genius in amusing and delighting readers with her irony, humor, wit, and talent for keen observation. Recipients will uphold the highest standards in the art of the sparkling banter, witty repartee, and gentle reprove. This award was created by the blogging team of Jane Austen Today to acknowledge superior writing over the Internet and promote Jane Austen’s brilliance.

So I shall begin by breaking all the rules and listing my favorite blogs that have already been so honored: [in random order]

etc,. etc, … endless really…so much out there!

So with those thoughts on the above, I pass the baton to the following, albeit not all Jane Austen related, but some of the blogs that I can always depend upon to be thoughtful and interesting, i.e “excessively diverting”:

 Grey Pony – beautiful

The Art of Clothes – lovely [also now with music!]

Two Teens in the Time of Austen – [Kelly’s blog, always interesting!]

Dove Grey Reader scribbles – insightful

New York Public Library blog – a daily surprise

Fabulous Covers – fabulous

Books Please  books!

and one more for good measure:

Bronte Blog – deserving

Recipients, please claim your award by copying the HTML code of the Excessively Diverting Blog Award badge, posting it on your blog, listing the name of the person who nominated you, and linking to their blog. Then nominate seven (7) other blogs that you feel meet or exceed the standards set forth. Nominees may place the Excessively Diverting badge in their side bar and enjoy the appreciation of their fellow blogger for recognition of their talent.

[Posted by Deb]

Food for Thought: Austen Astrology

Does the following sound familiar? Remind you of anyone??

aqu1Aquarians “basically possess strong and attractive personalities. They fall into two principle types: one shy, sensitive, gentle and patient; the other exuberant, lively and exhibitionist, sometimes hiding their considerable depths of their character under a cloak of frivolity. …. In spite of the often intensely magnetic forthcoming and open personality of the more extrovert kind of Aquarian, and of their desire to help humanity, neither type makes friends easily. They sometimes appear to condescend to others and take too little trouble to cultivate the acquaintance of people who do not particularly appeal to them. They do not give themselves easily – perhaps their judgment of human nature is too good for that – and are sometimes accounted cold. But once they decide that someone is worthy of their friendship or love, they can exert an almost hypnotic and irresistible mental attraction on them and will themselves become tenacious friends or lovers, ready to sacrifice everything for their partners and be faithful to them for life. However, they are sometimes disappointed emotionally because their own high personal ideas cause them to demand more of others than is reasonable. And if they are deceived their anger is terrible. If disillusioned, they do not forgive.”

pp2It does a lot to explain the personality of Mr. Darcy… Wouldn’t you agree?

Was Jane at all interested in astrology?? Born 16 December, she would have been Sagittarius — The Archer. Interesting that the sign is described as the “bow & arrow,” but also as a sign with a burden or struggle. Hmm…

What sign accounts for Lizzy Bennet’s characteristics??


If you have any particulars among the other novels, What about star signs for any of the characters in Austen’s novels??