Happy New Year Everyone!!

[Vintage Postcard:  Gold Medal Art, n.d.]

Wishing you all a very Happy New Year, with gratitude to all for your visits, your comments, and your discussions of all things Jane!  ~ Thank you for including Jane Austen in Vermont in your daily blog surfing!  See you all in 2013!

Today in Jane Austen’s life:  Henry Austen marries his cousin Eliza de Feuillide on this day, December 31, 1797.

c2012 Jane Austen in Vermont

All I Want for Christmas? ~ Anything Jane Austen Please! ~ Day 6: Jane Austen’s Complete Novels (in One Sitting)

The 12 Days of Christmas:

Day 6: Jane Austen: Her Complete Novels [In One Sitting]

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All I Want for Christmas? ~ Anything Jane Austen Please! ~ Day 5: Jane Austen Bandages

The 12 Days of Christmas:

Day 5: Jane Austen Bandages

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Winner announced in Jane Austen Surprise Giveaway!

Announcing the winner in the surprise Jane Austen giveaway from the December 15th post on:

Happy Birthday Jane Austen – The Ten Best Reasons to Go to a JASNA AGM!

regency dress

…and the winner is…  Mary Preston! – who commented on December 16:

I’ve never attended a Jane Austen Society conference, but I would love to.  To meet like minded people for a start. The dressing up would be fun.

Mary, please email me with your address information and I shall post the gift [a Jane Austen journal] to you right away.

Thank you all for commenting on why you would want to attend a JASNA Annual Meeting – hope to see some of you there next year in Minneapolis! http://jasna.org/agms/minneapolis/index.html

c2012, Jane Austen in Vermont

All I Want for Christmas ~ Anything Jane Austen Please! ~ Day 4: Tony Heaton’s Greetings from England Cards

The 12 Days of Christmas:

Day 4:  Jane Austen Cards from “Greetings from England”

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Wishing You All a Very Merry Christmas!!

JA Christmas card - Price


c2012 David Price, Allport Editions

Cards available for $2.50 ea or $14.95 for a box of 15


Merry Christmas Everyone!

All I Want for Christmas? ~ Anything Jane Austen Please! Day 3: A Jane Austen Bracelet

The 12 Days of Christmas:

Day 3:  a Jane Austen Cuff Bracelet:

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All I Want for Christmas? ~ Anything Jane Austen Please! Day 2: Take a Literary Tour with Susannah Fullerton, President of the Jane Austen Society of Australia

I cannot think of a gift I would want more than this! [do hope my caro sposo is paying close attention!]– I had the pleasure of meeting Susannah Fullerton at the JASNA AGM in Brooklyn – she goes above and beyond as the President of the Jane Austen Society of Australia (JASA), has just published A Dance with Jane Austen [she wrote a guest post here], and she has a new book coming out in early 2013 Celebrating Pride and Prejudice (titled Happily Ever After in the UK)

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Austen Sighting ~ Lee Child on Jane Austen

An interview with Lee Child in The New York Yimes Book Review:

What do you plan to read next?

My to-be-read pile is enormous, but winking ominously at me is Jane Austen’s “Emma.” I have never read Jane Austen — in my American wife’s eyes an incredible deficiency for an Englishman, matched only by the fact that I don’t really like Mozart. I hadn’t read “Jane Eyre” either, until she made me, and I’m glad I did, so I’ll get to “Emma” eventually — but perhaps not soon.

All I Want for Christmas? ~ Anything Jane Austen Please! ~ Day 1: A Miniature edition of Emma

I begin today a run through the next 12 days of the Christmas Season with some thoughts on gifts for your favorite Austen fan or gifts to add to your own “Want-List” – if you have been “nice” and not naughty all year [please do check Henry Tilney’s dispute over the meaning of the word in Vol. I, ch. 14 of Northanger Abbey], you might find some of these under your tree!

Day 1. A miniature edition of Emma, from Plum Park Press  [see update on a second printing below!]

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